Terms of use


Between Halkidiki Hospitality and its Clients

Version No. 1 of the 21st of February 2018


-1-The Client’s order is completed with the payment of the total rent, the designated advance payment of the rent, or the confirmation of the reservation by HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY.

-2- Without prejudice to more specific conditions that may apply following a special agreement between the Client and the Company, in particular because of a preferential price or a package offer, the individual Client who ordered the rental of a tourist lodging with a predetermined period of use, while his/her booking has been confirmed by HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY, but did not use the tourist accommodation for all or part of the period for any reason, must compensate HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY with the full amount of the agreed price for the period he/she didn’t use the accommodation. The amount to be paid may be set off with the advance payment. HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY may refrain from exercising its aforementioned right in its sole discretion. The individual Client mentioned above shall be exempted from the prescribed compensation only if he/she has warned HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY of his/her intention not to use the accommodation at least 30 days before.

-3- The terms of sale for the designated price determine how the booking is cancelled and/or modified wherever possible.

-4- If possible, the cancellation of the reservation can be made directly from the website or the related services of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY through the relevant order/application or by e-mail to the designated e-mail address of the company with the subject “Change / Cancellation of booking » and by stating the details of the booking.

-5- HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY shall offer to its Clients the tourist accommodation, for which it has accepted the order. If for any reason this accommodation is not available, HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY bears the obligation to ensure the accommodation of the Clients in other tourist accommodation under its property or management or in other hotels of the same class and region, which will have the same comforts and conditions of residence, if these exist, or at the best and nearest available accommodation in the same region. If, for this purpose, transport costs and any additional difference in price are required, these will be borne by HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY.

-6- The Client must accept the accommodation booked by himself/herself or through a third party or part thereof, unless this is not in accordance with the order. The Client is also obliged to keep the tourist accommodation up to the end of the agreed time, and is charged otherwise to pay to HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY a compensation corresponding to the rent of the remaining days of the proportionate amount on the agreed accommodation price. This applies also in case of non-show of the client on the date determined, except in cases of force majeure proven by compelling facts or evidence.

-7- If the tourist accommodation is leased for a certain time, HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY is not entitled to terminate the lease prior to the expiration of the agreed time, unless the Client violates this Regulation and other applicable legal provisions or violates the principles of morality or public order or suffers from serious disease, which may cause serious discomfort or danger to other clients and/or staff of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY.

-8- For any other relevant issue, the provisions of the 503007/1976 Decision of the General Secretary of the Greek National Tourism Organization on the Regulation for the Relations between Hotel Businesses and their Clients apply.

-XI- Stay in leasehold

-1- Renting a tourist lodging or part of it is valid for one day, unless it is differently agreed upon between the client and HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY. The rental is mutually renewed for each following day, as long as HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY, on the one hand, does not inform the client that the rental expires, and the client, on the other hand, does not inform HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY that he/she will not continue the rental. This notification must be done during the previous day, otherwise it is not valid for that day, but for the next one.

-2-In application of the existing regulation the client may be asked during his/her arrival, namely in the beginning of the stay, to fill in a bulletin including his data (personal information, ID card/passport data etc.). In order to make the filling in of the bulletin feasible, the client will be asked to bring an ID card so that the company can verify his/her data. Likewise, it is probable that a security deposit will be asked in cash or by credit card, the sum of which will be defined by the company unilaterally for covering mainly damages, cleaning, etc.

-3- Given that in all tourist lodgings belonging to or administered by HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY there is no distinctive suitable place for keeping any kind of pets, their retention is not allowed in the tourist lodgings, except in the case that mentioned as pet-friendly rentals.

-4- The client accepts and commits to use the tourist lodging or part of the tourist lodging with the appropriate attention.

-5- In case that in the tourist lodging or the part of it which is reserved, more terms of use for the tourist lodging or for some devices or functions are displayed, the client commits to respect all the displayed instructions. In case of not showing this kind of respect, which equals to violating the current regulation and the law, HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY is obliged to ask the client to check out without any charge on its part and has the right to claim anything that complies with the current regulation and the law.

-6- If a Wi-Fi service (with or without payment,) which allows clients to have access on the Internet, is offered in the tourist lodgings, the client commits so that the use of the Internet access will not be aimed at using it for purposes of reproduction or publication of works or objects that are protected by rights of intellectual property or related rights, unless it constitutes a lawful use according to the corresponding provisions.

-7- The client is obliged to comply with the security policy of the Internet service provider of the property.

-8- Upon arriving, the client is obliged to inform the reception if he/she possesses valuable things or money that he/she wishes to save and secure in a safe belonging to the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY company. In case he/she wishes to save them in the safe which is provided inside the villa, then he/she is exclusively responsible for its right use as well as for its content. HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY takes no responsibility if any asset of the client is lost, as long as it is not informed on the client’s arrival.

-9- It is clearly forbidden to videotape, take photos and reproduce or print by any means inside and outside the accommodation space with the aim of republishing or producing a show, film, documentary or any other similar types, unless a special written permission is given by the management of the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY company.

-10- Smoking is allowed only in the exterior space.

-11- There is a schedule of quiet hours for which the client must be informed and he/she must follow it.

-12- The clients’ and their visitors’ security and behavior are an exclusive responsibility of the person who makes the reservation and has his/her name on it. The owner company takes no responsibility for any injury or accident that may happen during their stay at the lodging.

-13- The clients are responsible for their lodgings during their stay. They must provide for securing the doors and windows while they are not in the lodging. Any action or oversight by the clients or their visitors, which may cancel the security policy of the lodgings and lead to loss or damage, is the client’s responsibility.

-14-The lodging must be professionally cleaned before and after each client’s arrival.

-15- All consumable supplies (beauty items and toiletries as well as cleaning products) are provided and replaced by our team.

-16- You must use the devices only for their expected usage.

-17- Drugs or illegal activities are not allowed in the lodgings.

-18- The lodging cannot be subleased by the client.

-19- The clients are strictly responsible for using the swimming pool tanks, and the children must be supervised by them all the time. The company and its personnel take no responsibility in case the swimming pool tanks are badly used by the clients.

-20- The swimming pool tank is cleaned and conserved with the appropriate chemical substances by our personnel for your safety and hygiene.

-21- If the clients or their visitors have problems during their stay, they must directly inform the managers of the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY. In order to deal with the problem or a client’s potential complaint, he/she must inform us immediately, while staying in the lodging.  If no complaint is submitted during his/her stay, the client states silently in this way and accepts that he/she remained satisfied by the lodging and accommodation and he/she didn’t have any complaint, as well as that everything was according to his/her reservation and information.


The customer benefits from the contractual guarantee that may be provided to him/her by the service (accommodation with extra relevant services or accommodation with extra relevant and complementary or optional services).


 -1- HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY makes the best possible effort so that the photographs, graphic representations and texts illustrate in the most accurate and truthful manner possible the provision of accommodation and other services (basic or complementary and/or optional); nonetheless, the actual state and conditions may display non-substantial variations or changes in relation to the corresponding illustrations, mainly because of any technical inability to display in a fully accurate manner the actual situation or any renovations or modifications that may have taken place in the respective tourist accommodation, in order to improve their image and functionality.

-2- HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY cannot be held responsible for the non-execution or improper execution of the reservation in case of force majeure, due to an act of a third party or an act of the Client, including: non-availability of the Internet, inability to access the Website of the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY, an external (cyber)attack against the system, computer viruses, the case that the prepayment was not authorized or executed by the Client’s bank etc.

-3- Pertaining to the hyperlinks linking to other websites, to which the website or other relevant services of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY may refer, the latter is exempted from any responsibility concerning their content or the services suggested thereon.

-4- Any booking or payment that is irregular, non-functional, incomplete or fraudulent for any reason, results in the cancellation of the Client’s reservation, at the expense of his/her own, by maintaining the unconditional right for any civil or criminal proceedings against the latter.


-1- Any claims relating to the non-execution or improper execution of the provision of residence services must be communicated to the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY within ten (10) days after departure from the tourist accommodation or from the part of the property, with a direct request placed to HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY, at the Customer Service address details given above. In particular in the event of an unreasonable delay in the notification of any request or claim, HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY is entitled to dismiss any such claim as unfounded or unproven or inadmissible, with the prejudice in each case of the parties (HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY and the Client) of their lawful rights and claims.


-1- The prices which pertain to booking the accommodation and the other relevant or the complementary-optional services are referred beforehand and in the context of the procedure of ordering the rental.

-2- The prices are per tourist accommodation or part of tourist accommodation for the number of persons and the date or the period selected.

-3- The prices fixed for the Client are applicable and always paid in EUR, only for the period specified on the website or in the other relevant services of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY.

-4- If the charge is made on the spot, with a conversion in Euros from a different currency, the rate applies at the time of actual payment, and any exchange costs are always borne by the Client.

-5- With the exception of a declaration expressly stated on the website and other related services of the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY or of a contradictory express agreement, the provision of supplementary or optional services is not included in the price offered.

-6- Any tourist tax, detention, fee, charge etc. without exception, where applicable, will constitute part of the final price or will result from the final invoice issued and will be paid in the time that it applies and when the obligation to pay the amount on/to which this is calculated or attributed or withheld or generally attributable is due, unless this amount is legally included in the original accommodation price before other indirect or direct taxes, reservations etc..

-7- The prices on offer always include the corresponding VAT, which applies on the date of the order. Any change in the applicable VAT coefficient prior to the Client’s departure will be automatically charged upon the agreed price before VAT, on the date of invoicing.

-8- Any changes or charges of new taxes made by the competent authorities will be automatically reflected on the prices indicated in the pricing.

-9- If following the agreement the payment is to be made upon arrival or departure from the tourist accommodation and the currency of the customer does not coincide with that of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY in Greece (Euro), the debit price of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY may be subject to differentiation from that notified in the context of booking, in order to take into account the possible change in the exchange rate or the cost of conversion in Euros, which is always borne by the customer.
-10- HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY indicates the total cost of the rent/lease and for the corresponding services during the booking process.

-11- Certain promotional offers made available from the Internet, or in general, are likely to be made available for exclusive sale from the Internet or by the provider that offers and advertises them and/or exclusively by distance and may not apply to orders and reservations made on-site.


 -1- The client notifies the data of the bank account connected to his bank, credit or debit card, as well as the card information, initially for the advance payment and secondly as a guarantee for any potential claims by HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY concerning the lease of the tourist lodgings and the provision of respective services or due to the latter. For every payment executed (advance or final payment), which is done through a bank, credit or debit card (VISA, MASTERCARD, DINNERS CLUB) special terms may be applicable following the respective agreements. The Client indicates the card’s security credentials (encrypted zone) without any spaces between the numbers, as well as the date of expiry and the security code, in the context of the request of the order’s confirmation.

-2- The charge of the payment minus the deposit or-if applicable-the total amount due is made on the spot (in the reception area of the property) at the end of the customer’s stay, except in cases of special payment conditions or billing of payment in the process of booking (prepayment upon booking). In case of any price not being pre-paid in its entirety, HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY is entitled to ask the Client during his/her arrival, an amount for guarantee or permission to charge the debit or credit card in order to guarantee payment of the amount corresponding to the services used by the customer on site or the prepayment upon arrival of the remaining amount of the reservation according to the specific agreement terms with the customer.

-3- If the Client books more tourist lodgings or parts of the property, an advance payment is deemed necessary, in principle, to confirm the reservation; the payment corresponds to only one of the lodgings/parts, but the company reserves the right to request an advance payment deposit for the remaining accommodation. The payment card used to pay the advance during the booking process may be used as a guarantee or means of payment of the rent and other fees, etc. and in respect of the other tourist lodgings or parts of the latter.

-4- Upon advance payment/pre-payment the amount charged in the process of booking includes: the cost of accommodation plus the basic services, the taxes corresponding to the stay and the services, as well as any other complementary or optional service selected by the Client.

-5- HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY may issue e-invoices of value, the original electronically maintained invoice may be confirmed and certified under the law and may be accessible by any means, including the Internet, e-mail etc.

-1- Clients are informed, in every sheet for the collection of personal information, on the obligatory or optional character of their replies with a notation made with an asterisk or a square or the √ sign.

-2- In the absence of information suggested as obligatory, HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY is entitled not to register and not to accept the order and in general not to proceed with any request made by the Client.

-3- The information compiled and processed are exclusively destined for HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY and its associates and solely on grounds of serving the contractual agreements governed by the present Regulation, always according to the principles of necessity and proportionality.

-4- The associates, providers of services may have their registered seat in a third country, outside the EU.

-5- In the context of precontractual procedures in view of the booking, HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY may ask from the client his/her identity information, data about his/her personal or professional life, as well as financial information.

-6- The Client empowers HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY to notify his/her personal data to third parties only under the condition that such a notification does not contradict the provisions of public order.

-7- In particular, in the context of the payment (online or not), the bank details of the customer will be transferred and notified by the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY provider of the corresponding service to the Bank of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY for the execution and implementation of the contract of Stay. Therefore, the customer is informed that such data transfer may be carried out in third countries that do not have a system of personal data protection. However, the customer consents to the data transfer requirement that is necessary for the execution of the contract. HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY requires the provider to be bound and to guarantee to make the best possible effort to maintain the confidentiality of data on such transfers.

-8- The Client reserves the right and any claim thereof and indicatively the discretionary power and the ability to oppose, without expenses, to the use of his/her personal data for commercial or other reasons, the right of opposition for any lawful reason, the right to submit questions, the right to have access and restore by addressing a respective request to HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY and particularly with an e-mail to the e-mail address indicated above.

-9- HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY reserves the right to put in a place a system of management of personal data, following the law, in order to preserve and ensure the goods and interests of its Clients, on the first hand, and to deal with cases of non-payment, on the other. In this context, HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY may keep, a private, secret and destined for its exclusive use, registry of Clients who have demonstrated an improper behavior as for the following categories: aggressive and improper behavior, lack of respect of the terms of the present contract, lack of respect of the security rules, mainly as far as the use of swimming pools, which are an en-suite to the touristic residences or to their parts, is concerned, thefts, immoral behavior, vandalism and disobedience to the regulation. Inclusion in the aforementioned file may result, where appropriate, to the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY denial, without any specific justification, to proceed to the acceptance of any order made by these persons for a period of its choice. This file is not to be, most certainly, disclosed to any third party.


-1- The provision and reception of bank data, as well as the acceptance of the general terms of accommodation and of the order form constitutes an electronic signature, which between the parties has the same value with a hand-written signature.

-2- The databank of transactions and communications is maintained in the information system of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY under reasonable terms of security and are considered a receipt of the content of communications, orders and payments between HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY and its Clients.

-3-The Client is informed that his/her IP address is registered in the system while placing his/her order.


-1- The force majeure for the purposes of the present is perceived as any external for all parties event which is characterized by an unexpected, incontrollable and irreversible nature and which impedes the Client or HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY from fulfilling all or part of their stipulated obligations. The cases of force majeure recognized by judicial jurisprudence in Greece are by definition being accepted and perceived as such incidents of force majeure.

-2- None of the parties may be considered responsible in relation to the other in case of non-implementation of the obligations deriving from such an event caused by force majeure, with the reservation of any special terms set in the present regulation or set out in law.


The client is informed by the HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY for the possibility of bringing an action in case of dispute regarding the present terms, in a process of amicable or conventional reconciliation or with any other alternative means of extrajudicial settlement of the dispute.


The present terms of stay are governed by Greek law and any potential dispute between the client and the Company is subject to the exclusive competence of the competent judicial authorities of the Courts of Thessaloniki, Greece.


-1- The present terms of accommodation-provision of services and the respective legal provisions, express the totality of the obligations and rights of HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY and the Clients, with the reservation of more specific terms having been agreed with a newer written contract between the Client and the Company.

-2- The Client may not require that HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY incorporate in these terms any other request or special term, unless this constitutes the content of a compulsory legal provision, which may not be explicitly included in the present regulation.

-3- Τhe documents which prove the binding commitments by HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY and the Client and in particular the order request, the request for the confirmation of the order, the acceptance of the order-confirmation of booking and the respective issued invoices.

-4- Ιn case of a possible contradiction between the documents proving the reservation and its content, and the present terms of accommodation the potential more specific agreements of each given reservation prevail.


The present Regulation may be modified or/and updated by HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY at any time. In that case, the new version which is to be uploaded online by HALKIDIKI HOSPITALITY will apply to all Clients without delay.


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